take control of your cancerResearchers tell us that most people’s bodies produce cancer cells, but a healthy immune system detects and destroys these defective cells. Since the immune system enables one to fight off diseases by destroying unhealthy cells, when disease takes over, it means the immune system is unable to stay ahead of the production of unhealthy cells. The immune system can be compromised by a variety of issues, including sustained stress, high metal toxicity in the body, household chemicals, an acidic body, and even some of the foods we eat. To compound the problem, some aggressive cancer cells are able to disguise or avoid detection by the body’s microphages, a type of white blood cell largely responsible for the consumption and destruction of cancer cells. If cancer cells overwhelm the immune system to the extent it fails to detect them, the cancer then continues to spread rather than be destroyed. “Digestive enzymes and vitamins A and E help to clear away the deceiving ‘stealth’ coating on the tumor and improve tumor recognition by the immune system.”

Even though cancer cells still create significant challenges for cancer researchers, the fact remains one is best equipped to deal with cancer threats if you have an efficient functioning immune system, 70% of which is in our gut. To maximize the effectiveness of your immune system:

Detox your body by using filtered water and by using the infrared sauna, if available.

Begin your day with 1–2 tbls. of apple cider vinegar in 8 oz. of water. There are numerous benefits attributed to apple cider vinegar. It helps to alkalize the body and thus may help prevent or reduce the effects of cancer since cancer cells cannot live in an alkaline environment. ACV has both anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. When one tsp. of honey (preferably raw unprocessed honey) is added to the ACV and water, it can improve digestion and help cleanse your liver naturally.104

Follow a diet that alkalizes your body since cancer cells can thrive in an acidic environment. The fresh fruits and vegetables in a plant-based diet will help your body become more alkaline.

Take chlorella and spirulina tablets, which belong to the seaweed family. Chlorella has significant heavy metals detoxification and anti-cancer benefits. “Spirulina contains lots of vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids.” It also has 26 times the amount of calcium found in milk!

When purchasing chlorella and spirulina, look for a healthy source and also make sure the cell walls of chlorella are cracked to increase absorption by the body.

Liberally use spices such as turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, and black pepper, which tend to reduce inflammation and increase NK (natural killer) cell activity.

As part of your diet, incorporate natural probiotics such as garlic, onions, and asparagus.

Follow a regular exercise regimen to boost the production of microphages, which are white blood cells that detect and destroy pathogens.

Strive to keep your stress levels at a minimum. Sustained high-stress levels can be very harmful to your health and are considered a possible cause of cancer.

Get appropriate sleep, which aids the restorative process in the immune system.

Include fermented foods such as sauerkraut, yogurt, and kefir in your diet to help maintain the beneficial bacteria in your gut.

The article above comes from Take Charge of Your Cancer: Know Your Cancer Treatment Options by Austin Leahy.

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